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Improving General Waste Reduction and Disposal Management Project 2021

This project was carried out from February 19th, 2021 to December 15th, 2021. The main results were as following: 1.Analyzed general waste generated and disposaled amounts during January to October 2021. General waste generated 6.74 million metric tons, including 3.83 million metric tons (57%) resource Waste, 330,000 metric tons (5%) food waste, and 2.58 million metric tons (38%)trash. Estimated the general waste production , the incineration facilities were satisfied. However, some counties and cities were faced waste communication problems. 2.Researched international general waste management, mattress and toys disposal system. Draft the proposals for the circular procurement and infrastructure project. 3.Collected international night soil management materials. Evaluated night soil production ,and improved night soil management. 4.For the promoting of used goods reuse, this project referred to international experience and management strategies to propose reuse promotion. Assisted handle the meetings.
Management of General Waste, Resource Recycling, Circular Economy